I am trying not to appear whiny or anything like that but seriously, last week spelled so much problems and tasks that I, for a moment, thought that I was in a world where "breaks" and "time-outs" don't exist.
Though currently in the final year, societal affairs are like heat-seeking missiles to us. Till now, I am involved in about 3 activities, and still counting. I mean, WHERE, for the love of God, are the rest of other Utarians? First Aid? Sure the biotechs can do it. Ecofriendly? Sure, the biotechs can do it. Blah blah blah? Sure, go seek out the biotechs coz they can do everything (note the tone of sarcasm). Really need to head-hunt for more leaders-to-be. Our telomere caps will soon run out of length otherwise. Unless you can administer telomerase in capsules, which is, by the way, unfeasible and unrealistic.
Another thing that boils my head is the elective subject. Last week, we waited for 15 minutes in the sauna-turn-lecture-hall for the "much awaited" lecturer along with other courses. Fed up, I paid a visit at the office with the class rep. So, a course rep + a class rep embarked on a journey of "The Hunt of the Lecturer". We mentioned our "plight" to the officer and guess what? We were asked whether we attended the right lecture slot, were we seeking the right lecturer, how many other courses and could we name some of them that attended the same subject... I mean, do you really think we didn't check those through already??? And what are the odds for more than 1 course to be attending the wrong slot for a wrong subject at the same time? We should really considering enlisting "common sense" as one of the pre-requisite subjects nowadays.
After ploughing through all those nonsense, a call was made to seek confirmation. And what did we get? -- The lecturer happened to be 2-hour-drive away in Kampar. Unless she was a "kage bunshin no jutsu" user (Naruto fans should know these), or had abilities of Hiro Nakamura (Heroes fans should know him) or could emulate Daphne Millbrook's speed (again, Heroes fans should know her), I didn't see how was our lecture was going to be taught. The lecture was canceled and that piece of news landed on our fellow classmates with gasps, aghast, disbelief, bewilderment, uncertainty, dissatisfaction, oh well, name all the negative adjectives you have in mind.
All bad things aside, actually we also had a good time. Our Instrumental lecturer is very nice and apt at quoting anecdotes and analogies; our Phytochemistry lecturer is very energetic and charismatic; our Molecular Cloning lecturer is, well, still our good ol' Dr "T" who couldn't help but to emphasise his points with a generous serving of "K's" (short of "okay/OK"). Overall, this semester has less tests and reports. That means more assignments, people, we don't get to rest.
For our class, I am glad that it stays very much the same as it was last semester - not many left except for a couple or two. To the rest of us, welcome to Year 3 and happy surviving it.
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