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Images source: SNSD Korean

Next station: 2011

1st of January, 2010:
Boarding the train by the name of "Year" of the "Timeline Service Ltd." from the terminal of "Station 2009/10".

Early 31st of December, 2010:
Alighted from the train at the terminal: "Station 2010/11". Switched to another platform, waiting for the next train while I get myself refreshed and ready by stocking up provisions and making up plans for the multiple long and short stops over the new journey.

Late 31st of December, 2010:
The train finally arrives. Same train - "Year" of the "Timeline Service Ltd." Leaving in moments. I have to hurry.

1st of January, 2011:
The siren is sounded. Boarding the train, now leaving for the stations that would end in the terminal "Station 2011/12".

* * * * * * * *

Summing up 2010 in gist:

1. Obtained my first class honours degree
2. Attended convocation
3. Learning the Korean language and culture
4. Job hunting - experienced my first and longest assessment/interview which lasted for approximately 3 months
5. Found a job in the current company

Oh, I have left out a very important one: embracing Soshism! This years is the year which I have converted from "aidolism"* belief (as in "atheism" - don't believe in God, hence "aidolism" is the lack of belief in idols) to "Soshism", a devoted "follower" of 9 angels - SNSD. I never had an idol which I "worship". Well, until now. Some asked me is it because they are: 1) cute; 2) pretty; 3) have enchantingly long 다리 (legs); 4) all of the above? Well, instead of choosing from the above, I prefer to reason it this way: They are adorable/lovable. They show respect for others, both 선배 (seniors) and 후배 (juniors); they possess strong sense and capability in entertainment; their vocal and dancing skills are impeccable (짱!); they care for the people around them, especially towards the unfortunate; they are modest but extremely diligent; and most importantly, they are very approachable and amiable.

These are among the reasons why I admire them and have made them integral to my blog.

I know, 2010 is not really a year of happenings for me but still, I am thankful. Whatever 2011 is going to throw at me, I will make sure my arms and mind are strong enough to embrace them.

A Happy New Year to you, dear reader. Don't fret if you don't feel happy; if happiness doesn't come to you, go for it and shower with it.

*Aidolism is a made-up term. Seriously. Don't use it in your writing lest you would be penalized for using a non-existing vocabulary. If you happen to use it and got accepted, then please quote me or acknowledge me in anyway. :P

Composed by,

2 Rhythms:

  1. Very funny... so you got a job eh? Not going to continue your studies?

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Me Decoded

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I love to learn, to appreciate, to help, and to share. My only (un)healthy addiction: a therapeutic dose of Girls' Generation/SNSD/SoShi/소녀시대/少女时代. They are my mood-lifter. What is my true self? I will let you be the judge.
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