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Soul Chat

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Images source: SNSD Korean

Don't Break It

It only takes one ill-spoken word to rupture a friendship.

Sometimes, one wrong gesture ruins everything.

Similarly, it only takes one step backwards to keep the friendship bond intact.

Don't act foolishly just for your own benefit at the expense of friendship. Now, you might get what you want. In the long run, you will lose close friends.

Friendship is like a wooden plank: once it is broken, yes, it could be mended with nails and glue but it will never be as strong as before.

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Me Decoded

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I love to learn, to appreciate, to help, and to share. My only (un)healthy addiction: a therapeutic dose of Girls' Generation/SNSD/SoShi/소녀시대/少女时代. They are my mood-lifter. What is my true self? I will let you be the judge.
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