If animals can think and speak up, they must be wondering what queer creatures humans are. We are a species that contradicts ourself. Why?
People are HAPPY when they are laid off during this financial tsunami. You read me? LAID OFF and HAPPY. Unemployed but happy, think about that. That's happening in Singapore where the laid-offs are compensated with a huge sum. For those who are nearing retirement, they describe the lay-off + compensation "package" as "better than striking the jackpot". Some people even LAMENT and asked why they didn't get laid off... See what I mean by humans are contradicting creatures?
That's not the end of the story. Let's see something closer to ourselves. Happening right in front of our very eyes. Let's see. Yeah, Moral Studies. That's very, very contradicting indeed. You see, when we are taking (or forced to take) this subject, we are expected to learn how to be a citizen who uphold virtues and be moral by applying what we have acquired in the class. The big question is: Did we? No... To vindicate this, easy, just see how many souls are left in the seats during the Moral Studies lecture. Wait for another hour, do another head count. Then wait for another half. Repeat the count. Then, if you are patient enough, do the last head count at the end of the class. If nothing goes wrong or there isn't any intervention by the lecturer - like threatening not to give out the attendance list early or something like that - you should able to draw a negative exponential graph that starts off with an already low figure and ends with an even lower (almost ground-touching) figure. Geez, moral is really something grey at times - no distinct white/black.
Students complain during the weeks where reports and assignments are expected to be due. They sleep late, ate late, bathe late and what-not late, rising up the next day like buncha zombies waiting to roam the streets. But the thing is, for weeks that there aren't any submission of homework of any kind, these complaining-beings still refuse to hit the sack even it is past midnight. Some even sleep LATER than what they used to do during the busy weeks. I think, the real reason behind all these nonsense is: STUDENTS are able to (or prefer to) sleep late but not due to formal academic stuffs but for FUN and RELAXATION. Ask them to play DotA till late night or stay up for Travian or go yumcha at some kopitiam, they would be more than happy to go. But ask them to do reports and assignments for the same duration of time and same late hours in a day, look at how their face sour up as if you have poured pure lemon juice plus strong vinegar on them.
Of course, I am also one of the kind that fulfills the behaviour mentioned above because I am a NORMAL, HUMAN BEING.
Anyway, posted 2 poems in Chinese, will do something English next time 'round.
Here they are: 冷箭 & 小小的
受尽旭日,熹微的怜悯 。。。
只需 配以神速
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